World Commons Week 2019
World Commons Week 2019 is complete! Thanks to everyone who contributed in this global collaboration and it is never to early to consider an event for next year’s event! — Thank you, WCW 2019 organizing team.
Local Events
Across the globe, local commons scholars and practitioners organized local events promoting discussions and inquiry on a wide variety of commons themes. These included commons classes or lectures, local speaking events, community practitioner meetings and other commons organizing events run in various locations all over the world. To see a map of the more than 55 locations this year and see a table of event descriptions, click Open below.

Global Keynote Webinars
Six IASC regional or continental Keynote Webinars were offered in this 2019 version of World Commons Week — one for Africa, Asia, China, Europe, Latin America, and North America. Click Open to see more information.
WCW Goals
Promote Knowledge
We want to encourage the exchange of commons-related knowledge across the globe.
Promote Experience
We want to foster mutual exchange of ideas, scholarship, and practical experience.
Expand Commons
We want to promote the creation of new commons and expand those already existing.
A Look Back on WCW 2018
WCW 2019 Organizers

Charlie Schweik
Lead Organizer of
WCW 2019

Jakub Polanowski
Web Developer of WCW 2019
IASC Intern

Maxine Gunther-Segal
Content Manager of WCW 2019
IASC Intern